Automating Pull Request Provisioning with GitHub Actions

As we are documenting the Harbor CLI, we picked GitHub as our preview environment because it is also used a lot by developers, but we are also working on supporting other platforms.

Creating the Workflow File

First, create the workflow file in your GitHub repository:

  1. Go to the 'Actions' tab of your repository.
  2. Choose to set up a workflow yourself.
  3. This creates a new file under .github/workflows/. Name it preview-provision.yml.

Workflow Configuration

Now let's start with this simple workflow ready for a Laravel project. Assuming we have some changes in a branch named add-user-notification, we want to have a preview environment ready for us after we created a pull request for it.

name: preview-provision
    types: [opened, edited, reopened, ready_for_review]
    if: |
      github.event.pull_request.draft == false &&
      contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[harbor]')
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      image: kirschbaumdevelopment/laravel-test-runner:8.1
      - name: Install Harbor via Composer
        run: composer global require mehrancodes/laravel-harbor -q
      - name: Start Provisioning
            FORGE_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FORGE_API_TOKEN }}
            FORGE_SERVER: ${{ secrets.FORGE_SERVER_ID }}
            FORGE_GIT_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
            FORGE_GIT_BRANCH: ${{ github.head_ref }}
        run: harbor provision

Detailed Breakdown of the Workflow Script

Conditional Execution Block

  if: |
    github.event.pull_request.draft == false &&
    contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[harbor]')
  • Conditions: Runs for non-draft pull requests with [harbor] in the title.

Harbor Installation Step

- name: Install Harbor via Composer
  run: composer global require mehrancodes/larave-harbor -q
  • Command Details: Installs Harbor globally on the runner using Composer.

Start Provisioning Step

- name: Start Provisioning
      FORGE_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FORGE_API_TOKEN }}
      FORGE_SERVER: ${{ secrets.FORGE_SERVER_ID }}
      FORGE_GIT_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
      FORGE_GIT_BRANCH: ${{ github.head_ref }}
  run: harbor provision
  • Environment Variables: Sets up necessary variables for Harbor provisioning.
  • Command: Executes harbor provision.

Steps to Configure the Workflow

  1. Add the complete script into preview-provision.yml in the .github/workflows directory.
  2. Commit and push the changes to your GitHub repository.

Utilizing the Workflow

Once set up, the workflow automatically runs based on the defined triggers. Monitor progress in the 'Actions' tab. Given the workflow above, After the GitHub action is done running, we expect to have a site on our Forge server with domain


If issues arise:

  • Check the workflow YAML file's format and location.
  • Confirm that FORGE_API_TOKEN and FORGE_SERVER_ID are correctly configured.
  • Review error messages or logs in the 'Actions' tab.